Cambridge Tennis Club 2008 Survey

Questionnaire to Assist in the Development of CTC Tennis Program Activities for the 2008 Tennis Season

We are hoping to develop a profile of the different types of players at CTC and their tennis interests for the upcoming year. Please answer as many questions below that you can by simply checking or typing in the response that best describes you, and your interests. Your name and responses will be kept confidential so please answer as many questions as you can.

  Players's profile 
1.  Please tell us your name 
2.  Approximately, how many years have you been a member at CTC 
3.  How many times a week do you play tennis at CTC? 
4.  When do you usually play tennis at CTC? (check all that apply) 
5.  What months during the season do typically play tennis at CTC? (check all that apply) 
6.  What age group are you in? 
7.  Have you gotten a tennis level rating outside of CTC within the past few years? If so, what level were you rated 
8.  If you haven’t been rated recently what level player would you rate yourself? 
9.  Would you be interested in getting a free tennis lesson at CTC where you could also get rated by tennis professional?  
9 A.  Other specify (Please specify other.) 
  Participation in lessons, clinics & Round Robins etc 
10.  How many tennis lessons do you typically take at CTC during the tennis season (approx, 29 weeks, 7mos.)? 
10 A.  Please Specify Other  
11.  If you took tennis lesson(s) at CTC last summer were you satisfied with the instruction? 
11 A  if Yes, why were you satisfied? Specify (e.g. quality of instruction, worked on a variety of skills (e.g. serve, volley, back court or net skills, doubles strategy, backhand and forehand strokes, it helped improve my game, cost of lesson etc.) 
11 B.  if No, why were you not satisfied? Specify 
11 C.  Other comments on tennis lessons? 
12.  Next season in 2008, will you be interested in taking more lessons at CTC? 
12 A.  If No, please tell us what would make you more likely to take lessons at CTC 
13.  How many tennis lessons do you typically take outside of CTC during the CTC tennis season? 
14.  IF YOU TOOK LESSON(S) OUTSIDE OF CTC LAST SUMMER please tell us why? (e.g. quality, variety, intensity, cost of lesson etc.) 
15.  How many clinics do you typically take at CTC during the tennis season (clinics were offered 2-3 times per week for approx. 29 weeks)? 
16.  If you attended clinics at CTC last summer were you satisfied with them? 
16 A.  if Yes, why were you satisfied? Specify (e.g. fit my schedule, quality of instruction, level of other players, it was good value for my money, worked on a variety of skills, active drills, helped improve my game, cost of clinic etc.) 
16 B.  if No, why were you not satisfied? Specify 
16 C.  Other comments on the clinics at CTC?  
17.  Next season in 2008 will you be interested in taking more clinics at CTC? 
17 A.  If No, please tell us what would make you more likely to attend clinics at CTC 
18.  Did you attend clinics outside of CTC last summer? 
18 A.  if Yes, why did you attend clinics outside of CTC? Specify (e.g. fit my schedule, quality of instruction, level of other players, got good value for the money, worked on a variety of skills, active drills, helped improve my game, lower cost of clinic etc.)  
18 B.  Other comments on clinics given outside of CTC? 
19.  How many Round Robins (RR) do you typically attend at CTC during the tennis season (there were 9 RR in 2007)? 
19 A.  Do you prefer the social RR the competitive RR or both?  
19 A - 1  Please specify other format. 
19 B.  Would you like more or less of the same number of Round Robins organized during next season?  
20.  If you attended Round Robins (RR) at CTC last summer were you satisfied with them? 
20 A.  if Yes, why were you satisfied? Specify (e.g. food, well organized, met people to play with, fun/society, the level of players, cost, competitive etc.) 
20 B.  if No, why were you not satisfied? Specify 
20 C.  Other comments on the Round Robins?  
21.  Next season in 2008 will you be interested in participating in more Round Robins at CTC? 
21 A.  If No, please tell us what would make you more likely to attend Round Robins at CTC 
  New Tennis Program Ideas for CTC

We are hoping to develop and offer other social and tennis programs at CTC in the upcoming year. We would appreciate your feedback on some of the new ideas we’re thinking about that we’ve listed below, as well as getting additional suggestions from you.  

22.  If we introduce doubles in-house league at different levels and times along with sufficient substitutes in order to give flexibility to play every week or on occasions, would you be interested in joining the league? 
23.  Would you be willing to sign up ahead of time and to commit to a 3-week period if we provide clinics at your level of play? 
24.  Would you be interested in a clinic with focused instructions on one or two aspects of the game for 30 minutes followed by organized play and comments on your game? 
25.  Would you be interested in a brunch tennis on Sunday mornings (coffee, croissants, and fruits) if it requires signing up before Friday 7PM at a cost of $10/member possibly from 9AM to noon and run as a Round Robin? 
26.  Would you be interested in Mix and Match games once a week during the late morning or late afternoon or evening (e.g. 11am-2pm 3-5pm 8-10pm etc.) if players were grouped by skill level/rating (e.g. 3.5 & 4.0 grouped to play together etc.)? 
27.  Would you be interested in clinics once a month at a cost of $5/member? 
28.  Did you know about the option last year to have a clinic designed to your needs where you form a group of 3-4 people choose the time and the different aspects of the game you would like to work on? 
29.  Next season in 2008 would you like to design your own clinic with a group of 3-4 people of your choice preferred time and the skills you want to work on?  
  Your input is needed 
30.  We need your ideas and suggestions for the types of programs and games you’d like to have organized at CTC next season. Please tell us your own ideas in the open text box provided below (text box allows you just keep typing so you can enter as much info. as you need). Please give us your own suggestions 
  Junior Player’s profile 
31.  How many child(ren) do you have who play regularly at CTC? 
31 A.  How many grand)-child(ren) do you have who play regularly at CTC? 
32.  How many times per week (does/do) your (grand)-child(ren) typically play tennis at CTC? 
33.  When do your (grand)-child(ren) usually play tennis at CTC? (check all that apply) 
34.  What months during the season does/do your (grand)-child(ren) typically play tennis at CTC? (check all that apply)  
35.  What age group is/are your child(ren) in?  
35 A.  What age group is/are your grand-child(ren) in?  
  Junior Player’s Participation in lessons, clinics, etc. 
37.  How many tennis lessons does your (grand)-child(ren) typically take at CTC during the tennis season (approx 29 weeks, 7mos.)? 
37 A.  Please specify other 
38.  Next season in 2008 will you be interested in having your (grand)-child(ren)take more lessons at CTC? 
38 A.  If No, please tell us what would make you more likely to to have your (grand)-child(ren)take lessons at CTC 
39.  How many tennis lessons does your (grand)-child(ren)typically take outside of CTC during the CTC tennis season? 
40.  IF YOUR (GRAND)-CHILD(REN) TOOK LESSON(S) OUTSIDE OF CTC LAST SUMMER please tell us why? (e.g. quality, variety, intensity, cost of lesson, etc.) specify  
41.  How many clinics did your (grand)-child(ren)typically take at CTC during the tennis season (approx 29 weeks 7mos.)?  
42.  Next season in 2008, will you be interested in having your (grand)-child(ren) take more clinics at CTC? 
42 A.  If No, please tell us what would make you more likely to have your (grand)-child(ren) attend CTC clinics 
  New ideas for Junior’s Program at CTC 
43.  Next season in 2008 would you sign your (grand)-child(ren) up for clinics 3 weeks at a time, if you were assured the clinic would be for your child(ren)’s level of play? 
44.  Would your (grand)-child(ren) like to participate in an in-house league for intermediate and advance players only? 
45.  Would your (grand)-child(ren) like to participate in a CTC tennis camp during the summer? 
46.  Would your (grand)-child(ren) like to participate in Junior Round Robins? 
  Your input is needed 
47.  We need your ideas and suggestions for the types of programs and games you’d like to have organized for junior members at CTC next season. Please tell us your own ideas in the open text box provided below (text box allows you just keep typing so you can enter as much info. as you need). Please give us your own suggestions  
 Version: 2346 | Series: 2363